Thursday, 23 February 2012

Growing iPhone Application Development Business and Benefits of Outsourcing

Smartphones have taken the world of communication by storm and the latest breed of mobile phone is more fun, useful and powerful than ever before. These phones can satisfy your needs of music and entertainment, let you click photographs, invite you to surf the internet, and take you to an amazing new world.

Among all the smartphones, iPhone is arguably the best in terms of features offered and applications supported. iPhone Application Development becomes considerably easy as the tools provided by the makers of the iPhone allow users to easily develop diverse types of apps.

The popularity that iPhone apps have enjoyed in the recent times has made iPhone Apps Development one of the fastest growing businesses. The launch of SDK (software development kit) by Apple in 2008 encouraged a number of experienced developers to work on creating mobile applications. Currently there are millions of iPhone apps in the market that help users to get information on any subject with ease, allow them to play a variety of games, connect them to a GPS, provide entertainment, help reserve tickets, facilitate the running of their business, and do many more things.

The end users can easily download the iPhone apps they like from the internet. As iPhone permits developers from across the world to submit their apps to iStore, the iPhone users have access to millions of apps and this has made iPhone the most sought-after Smartphone today. On the other hand, it is the growing number of iPhone users that has made iPhone game development the most happening mobile software development business of the present time.

A large number of software development companies have scented a great opportunity in iPhone Application development and have readied teams capable of creating iPhone apps. Most companies focus on a particular category and possess expertise in a particular domain of iPhone App Development. For example, a company may focus on iPhone website development and create search tools, social networking and web utilities designed exclusively for iPhone.

Outsourcing iPhone 4s Application development to countries like India makes a lot of sense as it offers several benefits. Most importantly, it is very cost effective: you can get customized application without investing heavily in giving technical training to your workforce. Also, you need not worry about the guidelines and approval of Apple as the company you have hired will do it.

The companies in India have a greater workforce and lesser overhead costs which allow them to provide good apps at attractive rates. The time difference, in case you are located in America, also works to your favor: your work gets done while you are sleeping and you get positive updates and progress reports as you come to work in the morning.

Outsourcing your iPhone Application development work can be a great idea that saves your time as well as money, but for that you need to find the right type of firm that can fulfill your requirements and meet your standards. Checking out the company on the net, looking at their previous work and communicating with its members will help you find the right outsourcing partner and sign a profitable contract.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

iPhone Application Development is a Process to Actualize The Creative Concept

iPhone application development is an industry that came into being with the revolutionary launch of iPhone in 2007. As the iPhone now has become a way of life for high end users, applications needed to use it in a much better way are also in great demand. The software development companies providing iPhone app development hire the best talents of the industry and deliver the best of their abilities. In order to be able to deliver the best, it is important that the developers are well-versed with Software Development Kit released by Apple. The guidelines issued in this kit are the standard for any iPhone developer to follow. Hence, any software development company that hires developers need to have such developers who are well-versed with these guidelines. Following are major categories that are included in iPhone application development:

- Games
- Business Applications
- Entertainment
- Media player
- Utilities
- Widgets
- News
- Social Networking
- Weather
- GIS Tracking

The whole process of iPhone application development finds its roots in a creative idea or concept with which the client approaches the company. The reason to develop such application is obviously to utilize the iPhone at its maximum and to increase the mobility and flexibility that it provides to the users. Now, it is the responsibility of the software development company to give shape to this creative idea of the client. For example, if a client approaches the company with a unique idea of creating an application that gathers all the news from leading newspapers as well as news portals, first of all, the developers of the company should be able to understand the client's vision and logic behind creating such application. Unless and until, there is basic understanding, it is not possible to create such application. Now, having understood this basic concept, if the developers are creative and highly skilled, they undoubtedly add to the creative vision of the client's idea, and there happens a constructive dialogue between the client and the developers. Many such constructive dialogues finally reach to a common platform that is acceptable to both client and the developers. Having finalized the main idea, the developers then chart out the whole creative process with various stages such as designing, programming, deployment and testing.

In the first stage of designing, the designers work in team and deftly put together various elements of the designing in one application. Here, crucial aspect that designers need to take into account is the mood, theme, user expectations and client requirements. Being the first stage of actual iPhone application development, this has to be done with utmost responsibility and a sense of aesthetics. The second stage is that of programming. The design elements of the application need to be programmed in such a way that makes the application run smoothly and seamlessly over iPhone. The programmers therefore need to be well-versed with the latest technology and the functionality of the platforms on which they need to be run. Having programmed it carefully, there comes a stage of deployment. It is again a teamwork containing both designers and programmers to deploy the application in such a way that makes sure that the users are able to use it seamlessly. Last but not the least, having done all this, iPhone application has to be tested and then finally dispatched to the client. Thus, iPhone application development is a serious job and needs to be handled with care, sensitivity and sensibility.